2013 Photo Calendar Contest

2013 Photo Calendar Contest

2013 Photo Calendar Contest – Upload Your Photos! The theme can be anything. The photo may be black and white or color.
Eligibility: Open to US Residents only.
Limit of two photos per person, please.
Prizes: (total $1000): A photo on a monthly page – $75 A photo on the cover – $100
Copyright and usage of entry: This will certify that the person or entity named below is the author and copyright owner of the work described as Photograph entered in the Tri M Graphics Calendar Contest, that the author consents and authorizes Tri M Graphics to reproduce the work, and that the author will indemnify, defend and hold Tri M Graphics harmless from any suit, claim or demand arising from the reproduction of the work in the calendar. Tri M Graphics may also use the photograph in other marketing tools, Tri M Graphics will not sell the photo or the product directly made from the photo. Prizes will be awarded to the copyright owner.
Deadline: September 30, 2012
Website: http://bit.ly/PMWjte

My Small World Photo Contest

My Small World Photo Contest

Photography contest of portraits of children. Transmit, through photography, their small world full of fantasy, where only small things fit, which children, through their innocence, make big; this small world full of hopes and dreams that, perhaps, many of us would like to enter once in awhile, where all that is necessary is imagination, fantasy, and innocence.
We invite you to participate, using diverse tools such as photography, digital art, collage, etc. Get inspired and participate!
There will be a pre-selection of the first 100 images by way of the voting system. Then, a qualified panel of judges will select the 30 images.
Eligibility: 18+ Worldwide
First prize: The authors of the 20 winning images, will have as prize being a Premium User for free one year. For more information regarding the premium gallery:
Second prize: 10 winners will receive as a prize their winning image printed on professional photographic paper in A3 format (29.7 x 42 cm), with free shipping within the European Union.
Copyright and usage information: You will preserve the entire author’s copyright and other rights that you already possess in relation with the images that you publish in Blipoint. The authors of the official announcement herein authorize Punto y Línea 07 S.L., a company registered in Spain, legal representative of the blipoint web portal, the non-exclusive right to the reproduction, distribution, and public communication of the works of the finalists, in the following terms:
The right of reproduction: for the sole purposes of, postcards, or posters, promotional press advertising the present official announcement, and publication in diverse intranet media, such as; social networks, within the blipoint web portal, and blogs related to photography and art events, with the sole purpose of making known and promoting the contest winners.
Deadline: It starts 27/08/2012 and ends 27/12/2012.
Website: http://blipoint.com/contests/my-small-world/

Ultimate Music Moment Photography Contest – 2013

Ultimate Music Moment Photography Contest – 2013

Ultimate Music Moment Photography Contest
Eligibility: Professional and Amateur channels to enter
Entry Fee
$35 – Pro
$15 – AM
$20 – Student
in each category will receive a prize package including:
A $100 B&H gift card
$100 certificate for Canson Infinity media
A DSLR camera
A PhotoServe portfolio ($860 value)
A Crumpler bag
A PDN PhotoPlus Expo Gold Expo Pass
A subscription to PDN®
All winning images will be reproduced in a gallery on
PDNonline.com and in the January 2013 issue of PDN®.
Limit of Entry per person No limits
Copyright and Usage of Entry: Photographers retain all rights to their works
By participating, entrants release, discharge, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Sponsors and each of their respective partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising agencies, agents and their employees, officers, directors, and representatives from any claims, losses, and damages arising out of their participation in this Contest or any Contest-related activities and the acceptance and use, misuse, or possession of any prize awarded hereunder.
Sponsors assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, or delay in operation or transmission; communications line failure; theft or destruction of or unauthorized access to Contest entries or entry forms; or alteration of entries or entry forms. Sponsors are not responsible for any problems with or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Web site, human errors of any kind, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to entrants’ or any other persons’ computers related to or resulting from participation, uploading or downloading of any materials related to this Contest.
Deadline: 9/13/12
Extended Deadline 10/9/12
Contest page: http://2012ultimatemusic.nielsencontests.com

World in Focus Travel Photography Contest – 2012

World in Focus Travel Photography Contest – 2012

World in Focus Travel Photography Contest
Eligibility Professional and Amateur channels to enter
Entry Fee
$45 – Pro
$22 – AM
A one-week, hands-on photo workshop in Maine, courtesy of Maine Media
FIVE AMATEUR WINNERS will each receive:
A DSLR camera
1-year PhotoServe portfolio ($860 value)
1-year subscription to PDN®
$100 B&H gift card
Additional prizes will be announced.
Select winners will be featured in the World in Focus gallery exhibit at the PDN® PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo in New York, October 24-27, 2012.

Limit of Entry per person
: No limits
Copyright and Usage of Entry: Photographers retain all rights to their works
If the photograph contains any material or elements that are not owned by the entrant and/or which are subject to the rights of third parties, and/or if any persons appear in the photograph, the entrant is responsible for obtaining, prior to submission of the photograph, any and all releases and consents necessary to permit the exhibition and use of the photograph in the manner set forth in these Official Rules without additional compensation. If any person appearing in any photograph is under the age of majority in their state/province/territory of residence the signature of a parent or legal guardian is required on each release.
By participating, ALL ENTRANTS grant the Sponsors and their designees, licensees or affiliates (the “Authorized Parties”) a non-exclusive, worldwide license, through July 24, 2014, to reproduce, distribute, display and post the entries online so that viewers may view all competing entries. In addition, each WINNER grants to the Authorized Parties a license for use of his/her winning entry in connection with the Contest and promotion of the Contest, in any media now or hereafter known, including but not limited to, print or digital publication in PDN magazine showcasing the winners; and promotions related to the contest. Authorized Parties will not be required to pay any additional consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such use.
Winners authorize The Nielsen Photo group to reproduce, distribute, display and create derivative works of the photograph entry in connection with The World in Focus Photo Contest and promotion of The World in Focus Photo Contest, in any media now or hereafter known, including but not limited to: publication in PDN® showcasing the winners; exhibit of the work at the PhotoPlus Expo 2012; The World in Focus Photo Contest live gallery; the World in Focus Photo Contest Web site and on PDNonline.com; and in exhibits and promotions related to the World in Focus Photo Contest.


Black White Photographer of the Year 2012

Black White Photographer of the Year 2012

Take part in Black and white photographer of the year and win Leica M Monochrom comes with a Summicron-M 35mm f/2 lens, together worth over £8,000.
The winning pictures will be published in a special Winter edition of Black+White Photography magazine, which goes on sale on 29 November. The magazine is available in print and app formats. The winning pictures will also be framed and exhibited at the exclusive Leica Store Mayfair in London.

 open to both UK and overseas readers of Black+White Photography magazine.
Entry fee starts from: £5
Copyright and usage of images: All images submitted must be the entrant’s own work, must not be copied, must not contain any third party materials including third party trademarks or trade names and/or content that you do not have permission to use.
Copyright of all entries remains with the photographer at all times, but the Promoter and the sponsors of the Competition and their associated group companies reserve the right to use, publish and republish entries in connection with the Competition, without payment.

Closing date
: Sunday 23 September 2012
The Young Black+White Photographer of the Year category is open to entrants aged 25 or under at the closing date for entries (23 September, 2012).
Website: http://www.bpoty.com/

BBC Weekly Photo Contest

BBC Weekly Photo Contest

Each week we ask you to send in your pictures on a set theme and a selection of these are then published each Thursday on our In pictures page. You can also see the latest galleries by following the links at the bottom of this page.
If you’d like to take part, then grab your camera and take a picture to match one of the themes below.
Eligibility: Worldwide
Free to Enter

: Get Published at BBC website
Current themes In order to give you a little time to send in your pictures here are the themes for the next few weeks with their deadlines:
  • Summer: 21 August
  • Thailand: 28 August
  • Music: 4 September
Copyright and usage right: Copyright remains with you. The pictures will only be used by the BBC for the purposes of this project.
Contest Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-10768282

Summer in Romania Photo Contest

Summer in Romania Photo Contest

Uncover Romania is looking for personal and original perspectives on all the aspects that make this country a special and authentic place to be during the hot season. It’s up to you to define the special and the authentic. We’re pretty open minded so don’t hesitate to send us your best shots, as crazy as they might be. Just keep in mind, we wish and hope to see photos that make us curious to uncover Romania.
Only photos taken in Romania will be accepted.
Eligibility: Worldwide
Entry Fee: Free to enter
Prizes: Prize I: Set of four Polaroid HD Glass Filters (UV, CPL, FLD, Warming)
Prize II: “The Digital Photography Book: The Step-by-step Secrets for How to Make Your Photos Look Like the Pros’!” by Scott Kelby
Prize III: San Disk 16 GB 45 MB/s Extreme
Limit of Entry per person: one per category
Copyright and Usage of Entry: The photographer retains the copyright of the images submitted as a competition entry. The entrant must hold copyright of any photograph entered in this competition. By entering the “Summer in Romania” competition, contestants agree to have their submitted images used and displayed, either singularly or in combination with others and in any size, on Uncover Romania website, uncover-romania.com, on Uncover Romania social media channels and print materials without any fee or other form of compensation. Uncover Romania will mention in each case the author of the image.
Deadline: October 5, 2012
Contest page: http://uncover-romania.com/photocontest/

2012 Worldwide WOW Photo Contest

2012 Worldwide WOW Photo Contest

The Worldwide WOW Photo Contest is giving away 14 prizes in 4 categories with a Grand Prize of $2500 Cash! Entries are $35 each or 3 for $90. Contest deadline is October 7th, 2012.
Eligibility: Worldwide
Entry Fee: $35 each or 3 entries for $90
Prizes: Winners and entries of merit will be showcased at the Worldwide WOW Exhibition on Friday, November 2nd, 2012 at the Gerry Thomas Gallery, Calgary, AB.
  • Grand Prize – $2500.00 Cash Prize
  • 1st Prize in each category:
    • $500 gift card from The Camera Store valid in-store and on-line at www.thecamerastore.com
  • 2nd Prize in each category:
    • $200 gift card Sponsored by National Captioning Canada  from The Camera Store valid in-store and on-line at www.thecamerastore.com
  • 3rd Prize in each category:
    • $100 Gift Card Sponsored by National Captioning Canada  from The Camera Store valid in-store and on-line at www.thecamerastore.com
  • 1 People’s Choice Awards: Announced at the Gala
Copyright: CPC Elevate will retain the use of entries and reserves the right to publish photographs and/or use them only in CPC Elevate promotional material & CPC Elevate charity fundraising events only without compensation to the photographer.
Deadline: 1 October 2012
Website: http://wowphotocontest.com/

Developing world photo contest

Developing world photo contest

We are asking for you to not only get a great shot but to splice 2 images together in a split-screen effect highlighting the similarities and differences in the World. We have some great categories for you to get inspired by, and cannot wait to see the results…
Eligibility: Open to All

Entry Fee:
 £10 fee
1st prize: Digital SLR (or cash equivalent if you already have one.) Feature on the front cover of our 2013 Calender.
2nd-12th prize: Feature in our 2013 Calender plus a free Calender showcasing the best work from the competition.
Categories to enter
  • Landscape
  • Architecture
  • People
  • Money
  • Time
  • Work
  • Open
Copyright: The ownership of copyright in the work of all submissions will be in accordance with the Copyright and Patent Act 1988, which implies the copyright rests with the author.
Subject to any limitation herein, any design, drawings accompanying any entry or submission remains the property of the entrant and may be used for its or their own purpose.
BTi shall treat an entry or submission as being eligible to enter the Competition under United Kingdom Copyright law.
for more details visit contest website

Win Nikon D3100 or Canon PowerShot SX40 HS

Win Nikon D3100 or Canon PowerShot SX40 HS

New contest started at photoartgallery, contest is open to all and free to enter, the winner of the contest will get Win Nikon D3100 or Canon PowerShot SX40 HS.
Contest theme: Our homes are a source of comfort, identity and refuge. For some people ‘home’ is a physical place. For others it’s a smell, culture or sound. What makes you feel at home?
Worldwide: Worldwide / 14+
Free Enter
Copyright and usage right: The copyright of all images remains that of the photographer at all times. Images may be reproduced by the promoter for the express purpose of PR and publicity of the results of the competition and for promotional purposes. The promoter will endeavour to credit the artist at all times if their image is used and will seek permission for said promotional use whenever possible. Separate negotiations shall be entered into should the Promoter or its agents which to use any images for commercial purposes.
Deadline: October 05, 2012
Website: http://photoartgallery.photophuse.com/

Hitchhiking Photo Contest

Hitchhiking Photo Contest 

Anyone globally is welcome to participate in this competition which is hoping to support the cultural aspects of hitchhiking. Hitchhiking as a gate to different cultures and local communities through people, as a “greener” way of traveling, as an adventure, as a lifestyle, as a low budget way to get from A to B built on a simple, human gesture and trust, as a feared and in some places forbidden way of traveling…

Eligibility: Worldwide
Free to Enter
Prizes: 1st Prize: $500 +book 2nd Prize: $200 +book 3rd Prize: $100 +book Publics Choice: a copy of the award winning book ‘Le Monde en Stop’ hand signed by the author Ludovic Hubler.
Public’s Choice: a copy of the award winning book ‘Le Monde en Stop’ hand signed by the author Ludovic Hubler (in French).
All 4 awarded artists will receive a handmade and personally hand signed copy of the book “Vagabonding in the Axis of Evil – By thumb in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan” by Juan Pablo Villarino AKA the Acrobat of the Road
Copyright: The photographer retains the copyright of the images submitted as a competition entry. The entrant must hold copyright of any photograph entered in this competition. Kepesita reserves the right to request supporting evidence.
Usage Rights: Kepesita reserves the rights to use the photograph entries in any future publicity by Kepesita, including use on the Kepesita website (kepesita.org) and other online or printed promotional activities.
Kepesita reserves the right to reject any submitted photo. Photographs featuring any inappropriate material will be rejected.
Deadline: September 30, 2012
Website: http://www.kepesita.org/details.htm

Hasselblad Masters 2014 – Call for Submissions

Hasselblad Masters 2014 – Call for Submissions

Photographers who want their images to be considered for the prestigious 2014 Hasselblad Masters Awards have until August 31 to enter. There are 12 categories to choose from, including a new underwater section and a refreshed ‘Project//21’ category which is open to amateurs, students, assistants and young professionals who are 21 years old or younger.
In a big change to the format entries are now allowed from both medium format and 35mm-style DSLRs providing that whatever camera is used is delivering a minimum resolution of 16 megapixels. Those shooting with film are also eligible to enter.
Applicants are invited to submit three images in one or more of the following categories: Fine Art, Landscapes/Nature, Wedding/Social, Portrait, Fashion/Beauty, Editorial, Products, Architecture, General, Wildlife, Project//21 and Underwater.
To qualify for categories other than Project//21, the competition is open to all photographers who have been active professionals for at least three years. All images must be submitted digitally (including full EXIF data) regardless of capture format.
Eligibility: The Hasselblad Masters Competition is open to all photographers who have been active professionals for more than three years and who are using cameras of 16MP and above
Entry Fee: No / Free to Enter
Prizes Hasselblad Masters 2014 winners will receive a trophy presented at Photokina 2014 and will be sponsored with Hasselblad camera equipment for a period of approximately four months. During this time the photographer can use the equipment at their discretion to create a set of images for a special Masters Commemorative book that will subsequently be published. All winning images will be published on the Hasselblad global website, in VICTOR magazine, will be presented at the exhibitions around the world and will feature in Hasselblad advertising and Masters Partners promotions and in the Hasselblad Masters Book Vol. 4.
Copyright and usage right: The Photographer guarantees that he/she owns any and all relevant copyrights and permissions for the submitted images. The Photographer agrees that Hasselblad has the right to display the submitted images for voting purposes on its websites and other forums.
For more details read the PDF Masters2014-RulesAndRegulations_EN

Deadline: Admissions start on 1st May 2012 and you have until 31st August 2012 to get your entry to us.

Website: http://www.hasselblad.com/masters.aspx

Shadows Call for Entry

Shadows Call for Entry

Shadows : As Joni Mitchell said, “Every picture has it’s shadows, And it has some source of light. Blindness, blindness and sight.” Some see light and some see shadow. Some see contrasts. Some see the darkness. What exists in the shadows? What do you see? Submit your best art with shadows for this future exhibition.
Accepted entries for this online exhibit will be judged again for our collective live exhibition at one of our art galleries. The artists will be asked if they wish to submit their artwork for the collective exhibition, which is not a requirement to being a part of the online exhibition.
Eligibility: All international artists, professional and amateur and all art mediums will be considered in this call for entries from photography, wall sculpture, fabric, mixed media, all paintings and drawings including, oil, acrylic, pastels, ink, graphite, etc. It must be able to be hung on a wall to be considered. Sizes up to 12 feet are acceptable.
Entry Fee: $35 for 3 entries, $5 for additional entries.
Prizes: N/A
Limit of Entry per person: no limit
Copyright and Usage of Entry: Artist maintains copyright, however images may be used for promotional purposes on the gallery’s website and blog, and other online platforms. Please see full disclaimer in our FAQ’s and Submission Guidelines.
Deadline: October 1, 2012

Contest page : http://linusgallery.com/shadows/shadows-art-exhibition.htm

awards, competition, conceptual, contest, creative photography, deadline, fine arts,international, news, Photograph, Photographer, photography contest, photography magazine, portrait, selection, winners

Fujifilm Every Pictures Matters Photography Contest

Fujifilm Every Pictures Matters Photography Contest

Show us why your picture matters for a chance to win a Fujifilm Digital Camera! You’ll also have the chance to see your photo on the EveryPictureMatters.com homepage or in one of our upcoming newsletters!
Eligibility: 18+ / Legal residents of the 50 United States, plus Washington, D.C.
Free to Enter
Enter your theme-related photo and tell us why your picture matters in the comments!
August’s Theme is Best Vacation Photo!
(Entry dates: August 1 – 31)
SEPTEMBER 2012 – Best Fall Photo (Entry dates: September 3 – 28)
OCTOBER 2012 – “Let’s Think Pink!” (Entry dates: October 1 – 31)
NOVEMBER 2012 – Best Holiday Photo (Entry dates: November 1 – 30)
DECEMBER 2012 – Best Food Dish (Entry dates: December 3 – 31)
Contest Prizes
• Your Photo on EveryPictureMatters.com and newsletter
• FUJIFILM FinePix Digital Camera
• XP Series Action Adventure Kit
Copyright and usage right: By entering, you grant an unrestricted, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to Sponsor to post, display, publish and use your entry photo(s) in any form (including in cropped or edited form, as Sponsors deem appropriate and necessary), on or in connection with the FUJIFILM EveryPictureMatters.com website, any social media, and in promotional materials relating thereto, without further compensation.
Entrant agrees not to submit his or her entry photo(s) for commercial use by a competitor of Sponsor for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of entry in this Contest
Deadline: Monthly
Website: http://www.photocontest.everypicturematters.com/

2012 World Tourism Day Photo Contest

2012 World Tourism Day Photo Contest 

UNWTO is happy to announce the 2012 World Tourism Day online photo competition under the theme Tourism & Sustainable Energy: Powering Sustainable Development.

World Tourism Day 2012 is a celebration of tourism’s role in achieving a more sustainable energy future.
We are looking for pictures that capture how the tourism sector is implementing new ideas to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in its operations, or photos showing how tourism is bringing modern and clean energy to local communities. Photos could also capture how you, as a tourist, are taking concrete actions towards a more sustainable tourism sector.
Eligibility: Worldwide
Free to Enter
1st Prize – A seven-day round-trip to Spain for two*
4 Runners-up will be awarded with a digital camera
Winning photos will be featured on www.UNWTO.org
Copyright and usage right: No copyright Policy, Winning photos will be displayed on the UNWTO website. The Organization reserves the right to use submitted photos, without copyright or any restriction, for display and promotion purposes, in its printed and online publications and communication material.
The participant hereby grants UNWTO an irrevocable, royalty free and perpetual license right to use without restriction and reproduce all submitted materials, including without limitation the copying, transmission, distribution and publication for display or promotion purposes.
Deadline: August 31, 2012
Website: http://wtd.unwto.org/en/content/world-tourism-day-photo-competition-2012

2013 Center for Photographic Art Juried Exhibition

2013 Center for Photographic Art Juried Exhibition

The Center for Photographic Art 2013 Juried Exhibition. The Jurors are Chris Johnson, Full Professor of Photography for theCalifornia College of the Arts and Dean Brierly, Editor of B&W magazine.
Eligibility The exhibition is open to all photographers, both amateur and professional, working in all still photographic media. There is no theme; any subject matter is eligible. All work must have been completed on or after January 1, 2009.
Entry Fee $40 for 1st 3, $10/ea for up to 9 more
Prizes The jurors will award three cash prizes: $1000 for first place, $500 for second place, and $250 for the third place image. Approximately fifty images will be exhibited in the CPA gallery in Carmel. These and an additional one hundred images will be shown in the on-line gallery and published in catalogs of the exhibition.
Limit of Entry per person: 12 images
Copyright and Usage of Entry: Photographer retains copyright. CPA is granted usage for advertising and
Deadline: November 11, 2012
Contest page http://photography.org/je

awardscompetitionconceptualcontestcreative photographydeadlinefine artsinternationalnewsPhotograph,Photographerphotography contestphotography magazineportraitselectionwinners

121 Clicks Photo Contest

121 Clicks Photo Contest

New 121 Clicks Photo Contest, the theme of the contest is Landscape. This time it is “Beautiful Landscape” – any picture which has captured the beauty and everlasting symphony of nature. With those divine sunlight or moonlight or literally anything enlightening the scape of earth. Send in your best of the best entries.
Eligibility: Worldwide
Free to Enter
Prizes: Flickr Pro Account for 1 Year or The Photographer’s Eye Composition – Photo Book
Copyright and usage of images: You must own the copyright of the photo you are submitting. We will showcase the most interesting photos on 121clicks.com, including the names of the contributors.
Deadline: Aug 25, 2012
Website: http://121clicks.com/articlesreviews/the-121-clicks-photo-contest-beautiful-landscape

Shades Of The City – Photo Contest

Shades Of The City – Photo Contest

This Event is hosted by Chitkara University (Punjab Campus) and organized By Alexis Society.
Guidelines for participants:
• Acceptance of entries to start from 6th August, 2012.
• There should be no copyright marks/name on photos submitted.
• Photographs should be original work of the photographer. Edited photos in any form will be disqualified.
• Submitted photos should be in .jpg, .jpeg or .png format only.
• Photos to be sent with a CAPTION and a write-up (not more than 50 words)
• Any form of vulgarity will not be tolerated.
• The photographs should be sent as an attachment along with the scanned copy of the payment receipt at gpc.alexis@gmail.com
Eligibility: India Citizenship Holders and Above 15 Years of Age
Entry Fee: 100 Indian Rupees
Prizes: 1st Prize: 5000 Indian Rupees, 2nd Prize: 3000 Indian Rupees
Limit Of Entry Per Person: 2 Pictures Per Person
Copyright and Usage of Entry:
COPYRIGHT: Alexis Global Photography Center (G.P.C.) respects photographer’s rights and does not claim copyright over images submitted to this contest, you the author retain full copyright in each entry.
USAGE RIGHTS: By entering this contest you agree that any winning or short-listed/finalist images you submit may be used by Alexis Photography Center (G.P.C.) solely for marketing and promotional purposes of this contest or future contests and no other purpose, these uses include; displaying the entries on the contest website, promotion of the contests, cropping and re-sizing the image as necessary to fit pre-defined formats for the competition
1.    You hereby grant Alexis Photography Center (G.P.C.) a non-exclusive, irrevocable license in each Entry for the uses described above for 1 year following the date of announcement of the winner, thereafter the image may be used for archival purposes.
2.    You acknowledge your responsibility for protecting your entry against image misuse by third parties, by, but not limited to, the insertion of a watermark, retaining exif data. Alexis Global Photography Center (G.P.C.) and its Chitkara University can assume no responsibility and are not liable for any image misuse.
3.    If a need arises in Alexis Global Photography Center (G.P.C.) and Chitkara University the author will be contacted and proceeding would be done after their approval.
Deadline: 25 August 2012
Contest Page: https://www.facebook.com/alexis.gpc

Canon EOS Photo5 – Photo Contest

Canon EOS Photo5 – Photo Contest

EOS Photo5 is Canon’s annual creative photography competition that begins with a little brown box. Inside there are 5 individual photographic briefs to challenge your creativity. You can also enter our Portfolio Competition for another shot at the amazing prizes. There are only a limited number of boxes available, but don’t worry if you miss out on a box – everyone gets the chance to enter the Open Brief.

: Australian or New Zealand Resident
Free to Enter
Prizes: A trip with Jackie Ranken and Mike Langford. The trip includes return economy airfares from winner’s nearest capital city, 3 nights’ accommodation, buffet breakfast (two mornings) and dinner daily, a Kata Tjuta Sunrise Tour, Indigenous Guest Activity Program and a creative photography workshop with Jackie Ranken and Mike Langford.. The travel prize must be taken between 17/05/2013 – 20/05/2013 and is subject to booking and flight availability. The travel prize must be taken with the other winners.
A high quality canvas print of their choice from photoPICO redeemable online with a unique code supplied upon confirmation of prize.
Copyright and usage right: Each Eligible Participant warrants to the Promoter that: (a) each Entry submitted (including photograph or vote) is their original work that does not infringe the rights of any third party…….
Each Eligible Participant grants the Promoter a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide licence without charge to use, reproduce, publish and display any or all of their Entry or Entries in any of the Promoter’s media or distribution methods (whether now known or later developed), including publication on the Promoter’s website or any internet applications for five years after the end of the associated Program, for any purposes connected with conducting or promoting this Program or the World of EOS. for more info visit website
Deadline: October 24, 2012
Website: https://www.canon.co.nz/en-nz/worldofeos/photo5/About

UK – EMOTIONS Photography Contest

UK – EMOTIONS Photography Contest

EMOTIONS Photography Contest is open to UK only, the winner will get lot of prizes and the last date of image submission is September 07, 2012, winner will be selected by public voting.
Enter ‘Emotions’ Competition & win with theprintspace and Lowepro! Each participant is entitled to submit a maximum of 1 entry to to be considered for our competition this month.
Eligibility: UK
Free to Enter
1st Prize:- Lowepro Flipside Sport AW 15L – a backpack built for photographers in pursuit of active adventures, offering the best protection for your gear, a tripod mount, all weather cover and even space for a hydration pack.
- 20”x24” Acrylic Reserve Mount of the winning image delivered to your doorstep
- A space in theprintspace’s annual SoShowMe exhibition held at theprintspace gallery
- A dedicated feature on theprintspace’s blog
2nd Prize: Three 20”x24” prints on any of the 11 papers offered at theprintspace
- A dedicated feature on theprintspace’s blog
- A Free Sample Pack
3rd Prize: One 20”x24”print on any of the 11 papers offered at theprintspace
- A dedicated feature on theprintspace’s blog
- A Free Sample Pack
Copyright and usage of images: Photographers must own all copyright in any image entered and all entries must be the photographer’s original work. Copyright in all images submitted to the competition, including winning entries, will remain with the photographer. The images won’t be used outside of the competition, however they may be used to promote it.
Deadline: September 07, 2012
Website: https://www.facebook.com/theprintspace?sk=app_159533647405613

Traces of Humanity – International Photo Contest

Traces of Humanity – International Photo Contest

Humans deal with different kinds of struggles in different places of the universe. Everything is for one reason; to exist, to survive and to leave a trace behind. That’s precisely why some help the others, some fight for land or religion, some create art, some travel through expeditions and some retire themselves to a corner for loneliness. In fact, the stories of all those are hidden in looks and faces.
Sometimes land is shaded with wars, or sometimes it glitters with carnivals and joy. The ones who mourn, the ones who wed, the ones who bury their dead and the ones who plant trees meet with each other somehow. Young and old, rich and poor, guilty and innocent, winner and loser create an interesting mosaic together. In different places of the earth, while some sleep, some experience the highlight of life.
Eligibility: Worldwide 18+
Entry Fee: $12
Limit: Each participant can submit up to 5 photos
Prizes :
1st Prize : Gold Medal + 2000 Euro
2nd Prize : Silver Medal + 1500 Euro
3rd Prize : Bronze Medal + 1000 Euro
Honorary Mentions (6) + 250 Euro
City Council Special Award : 500 Euro
Jury Special Award : 500 Euro
Schedule :
Final Date of Participation: 10th September 2012
Jury Meeting: 16-17 September 2012
Announcement of Results : 18 September 2012
Exhibition Opening : 21 September 2012
Copyright: Every participant accepts, declares and commits that the work belongs to him/her and that all licenses were obtained for the photograph he/she has sent. In the case that any of the winning participants acts in contradiction to this declaration, his/her award, title and all acquisitions he/she has obtained will be reversed. In any case, Bursa Photofest can’t be held responsible of participants’ actions.
Deadline: September 10, 2012
Website: http://www.insanliginizleri.org/gp/EN

World Tourism Day Photo Contest 2012

World Tourism Day Photo Contest 2012

World Tourism Day 2012 is a celebration of tourism’s role in achieving a more sustainable energy future.
We are looking for pictures that capture how the tourism sector is implementing new ideas to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in its operations, or photos showing how tourism is bringing modern and clean energy to local communities. Photos could also capture how you, as a tourist, are taking concrete actions towards a more sustainable tourism sector.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Free to Enter
  • 1st Prize – A seven-day round-trip to Spain for two*
  • 4 Runners-up will be awarded with a digital camera
  • Winning photos will be featured on www.UNWTO.org
Deadline: The deadline for participation is 31 August 2012. Winners will be announced and notified in early September 2012.
  • 1st Prize – A seven-day round-trip to Spain for two*
  • 4 Runners-up will be awarded with a digital camera
  • Winning photos will be featured on UNWTO.org
Copyright and usage of images: Winning photos will be displayed on the UNWTO website. The Organization reserves the right to use submitted photos, without copyright or any restriction, for display and promotion purposes, in its printed and online publications and communication material.
The participant hereby grants UNWTO an irrevocable, royalty free and perpetual license right to use without restriction and reproduce all submitted materials, including without limitation the copying, transmission, distribution and publication for display or promotion purposes.
Deadline: August 31, 2012
Website: http://wtd.unwto.org/en/content/world-tourism-day-photo-competition-2012

The Games Effect Photo Contest

The Games Effect Photo Contest

London Olympic and Paralympic Games are set to make 2012 a very special year. The games themselves and all the other associated sporting, social and cultural events set to happen in the capital and throughout the country will have a unique effect on peoples’ lives.
Submit photos that show how people enjoy and celebrate the London Olympic and Paralympic Games, how their lives are affected, how they are enthused and inspired by the games, how the games affect you. The Games Effect photographic competition is set by Totality a London based destination branding agency.
Eligibility: Worldwide 18+
Free to Enter
Prizes: The winning entrant will be commissioned by Totality for a photo-shoot (max 3 days), and will be paid 1,000. – Three runners-up will receive 200 each. – Selected images will be displayed w/c 22nd October at Great Western Studios, a central London exhibition space. – Winning tutors will also be recognized within the awards. – The winner and runners-up will be announced at an Awards evening on Thursday 25th October.
Copyright and Usage of entry: Entrants retain ownership of their Responses submitted into the contest.
By submitting a Response entrants grant to Totality a non-exclusive licence for the duration of copyright protection to reproduce or distribute a reproduction of their entry in all media in order to promote, or act as a historical record of The Games Effect competition.
Deadline: September 14, 2012

Website: http://www.gameseffect.co.uk